Monday, April 25, 2011

Suspensão da Realização do 1º Congresso de História Interdisciplinar da Saúde

Caras colegas, caros colegas

Por motivos de força maior que ultrapassam o processo organizativo do Congresso, somos obrigados a suspender a realização do "1º Congresso de História Interdisciplinar da Saúde" marcado para os próximos dias 11 a 13 de Maio de 2011.

Mais adiantamos que a organização, em função da agenda de reuniões científicas previstas para o segundo semestre de 2011 e primeiro semestre de 2012, entendeu prever a sua realização entre Setembro e Outubro de 2012, em data a anunciar oportunamente.

Todos os que enviaram a sua proposta de comunicação e que aguardavam a respectiva aceitação serão avisados da data certa de realização do evento.

Com os melhores cumprimentos,

The Organizing Committee
I International Congress of Interdisciplinary History of Health

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Deadline to send abstracts was postponed

The Scientific Committee of the 1st International Congress of Interdisciplinary History of Health announces that the deadline to submit the abstracts for this congress was postponed for the 20th of April 2011

You can send your abstract to

Monday, March 14, 2011

1st International Congress of Interdisciplinary History of Health

The theme approached during this congress, Health's History, is wide and diverse. The key contributors come from different scientific and professional backgrounds as pharmacy, medicine or psycology, turning this into a interdisciplinary and complete discussion. 


The preferred topics to be presented during this congress are the following. Atention to the fact that it is possible to present other topics not mentioned here, but it is advisable to contact the secretariat in advance:

- Institutions' history (hospital, labs, pharmacies, etc);
- Cientists and other Professionals' biographies;
- Health Sciences' history
- Health Culture's history
- Social Health's history
- Other related interdisciplinary fields of interest in a historical prespectiva as: health philosophy, health law, health geography, health anthropology, health sociology, and so on.

This congress will take place in the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Coimbra, Portugal.